You know all of the latest studies say that if you teach your children a foreign language while they are really young then they will be super smart. I don't know the full story, but I think it's something about stimulating a certain part of the brain. Anyway, I don't give into all this peer pressure. (But I do remember when we were in Chicago that many places offered foreign language classes for very young children...and of course some people were all over it.)
Well, not me. First of all, I don't really want my kids to be, yes...but normal! I mean, there are days when I think Jackson is already smarter than I am. (Must be all the "foreign language" he has learned from Dora and Kai-Lan on Nick Jr.) But a genius in this house...well, if you're born that way, that is one thing...but to try and turn your child into a genius....I've got better things to do.
Now that I think about it, though, maybe my kids are geniuses. Take Sawyer, for example. He is very fluent in a foreign language at the age of 2 1/2. No, he doesn't speak Spanish...or French...or German. The child speaks Robot. Now, how many people can say that!?! Ahhh yes. Maybe he is a genius after all. Look out Ivy we come!
(Don't forget to scroll down the right side and pause the music.)
You know how you hear a certain song and it takes you back to an exact moment in time?? I can feel the exact temperature, the precise humidity in the air, sense the same exact lighting and have the clearest memory of what you were doing when you used to listen to that song??? Yes. You know what I mean.
Well, it seems to me that the clearest memories of most of "my songs" were during the summer. This is probably because when I was in school I was a major stress case. (I know...not me.) So, in the summer, I could actually relax and enjoy life. I think that is why summer songs mean the most to me. Let's journey back a few years and re-live some of "my songs." the Beach Boys. "Aruba, Jamaica, eeeeewwwww I wanna take ya...." You know the one. Well, when I hear this song it totally reminds me of a nightmarish family trip we took to Michigan one summer. This was right when the movie "Cocktail" came out. We had the soundtrack on tape and listened to it the entire way to Michigan....the entire time we were in Michigan...and the entire way home from Michigan. I actually think T.C. thought he was Tom Cruise that summer. (I have a photo as proof...but unfortunately I don't have a scanner...Mom, can you help me out on this one??) Anyway. That is one of my summer songs.
Jack and none other than John Cougar Mellencamp. This was a favorite song of mine when I was sixteen (and to this day). I remember this one well because I had just gotten my driver's license. Of course there was nothing else to do in Seymour except hang out in "the lot," go to Taco Bell, and cruise the country. Well...we cruised the country many an hour listening to this one. We would scream at the top of our lungs "hold on to sixteen as long as you caaaaaaan. Changes come around real soon make us women and men." We never thought we'd see the day when we weren't in high school...let alone thirty something.
You Make Me Feel so Frank Sinatra. {{{{sigh}}}} Oh how I looooooove Frank Sinatra. My love for him started one summer when my mom and I made a trip to Chicago. We used to go every summer for a few days. We'd stay just off of Michigan Avenue and shop our hearts out. Well, one summer, in Crabtree and Evelyn...we heard this song. I asked the gal what CD was playing and immediately ran down the street and bought it. (So began my love for Frank...and Louis...and Bing....) These are the songs that make me think I was born in the wrong decade.
So...WTH am I posting about, anyway?? Summer songs. Well, today as I was driving I heard my summer song!! You know...Sarah's summer song 2009. It's amazing!! clearly does not compare to the Beach Boys, John Mellencamp, or Frank. (Seriously...who would??) It actually reminds me of a combination of "Iko Iko" and "A little bit of Monica..."
Now...throw all your cares away...grab a Margarita...and enjoy! And if you aren't literally shaking your groove thing before this song is over...well...then we probably aren't true friends anyway. (Oh...don't forget to scroll down the right side and PAUSE MY MUSIC before you try and listen to the video!!!)
You are probably wondering why I moved sites...well...don't get me started. Blogspot is just sooooo much more user friendly. And when I found out that it cost $60/year to upload videos to the other site...well....I had just had it!
So! That being said...welcome to my new site!! I will (hopefully) start moving some of the older posts over here. It makes me a little sad to have to leave them behind...but we'll see if I really ever have time to do that. Ha!
In the mean time, bookmark this new site because this is where my new updates are gonna' be. You can also sign up to receive my updated posts via email (if you wish). Browse the side bar a little...and go say hi to my cyber-fish! They like when you feed them!! (Just click your mouse in the fish bowl.) I know...I'm easily entertained.
Also, if the music bugs can turn it off. It's on the right hand side...scroll down the side bar until you find the playlist and hit pause.
This is a nickname that Brad and I have called each other every now and then when one of us is swimming. You know, because we are Michael Phelps...the pot smoking, Olympic swimming, party animal?? Ummhumm.
Well, we were hoping to have another "Phelpsie" in the house. You see, Jackson has been taking swim lessons everyday for the past 2 weeks. It is a group session...10 kids and 4 instructors. Unfortunately, our experience has been less than stellar and I think the only thing that Jackson has gotten out of the class is swimmer's ear! (No. Seriously.) I may be a little bitter towards the whole thing because the class is 40 minutes away...and 55 minutes back in 5 o'clock rush hour traffic. My fault, I know. But I was told the classes were awesome...sucker. (Sorry,'ve already heard my complaints.)
On the bright side, I've found a private instructor who will teach both the boys...starting this Sunday. Let's all say a little chant and hope that "Miss Mallory" can work her magic with them. I'd love to have a third or fourth "Phelpsie" in the house! Ok...minus the bong.
Alright...I've had enough complaints about my lack of blogging. I'll start again. I promise. See?? Here's a new post already!
It's obviously been ages since I last posted, so I'm not about to catch you up on all the nitty gritty that you've missed. (Really, there hasn't been anything too don't sweat it.) At the end of May, the 4 of us went to Tennessee. We rented a cabin a few miles from Pigeon Forge and had an absolute blast!! We mostly explored Smokey Mountain National Park, visited the Gatlinburg Aquarium (which was amazing), and enjoyed a little putt-putt and kid stuff. We all had a blast...did I mention that we had a blast?? Jackson cried the day we left and is counting down the days until we go back!
Brad and I really enjoyed the National Park. We both saw bears in the wild for the first time. It was amazing! (Even more amazing was how close people get just to get a picture of them...unbelievable. Really, it makes me even more confident in my belief that people should have to pass an IQ test before being able to vote.) We saw some amazing streams and waterfalls...and of course mountains. The boys, however, were not as impressed with all of these things as we were. But that's ok...that's what portable DVD players are for!
I think Jackson's favorite expedition (besides our big nature trail hike) was his trip to the "cowboy store." They were both determined to get "all cowboyed up" (as the sales clerk called it). Before we went in, Jackson said he wanted cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, etc, etc. I said "Well, you can't get everything!"
He said, "Ok. Maybe I'll just get a lasso."
Needless to say, they are both the proud owners of cowboy boots and hats. Here is a picture of Jackson yelling "yeeeeehaw!" I think I have to admit...he looks more "hillbillied up" to me. But hey...when in Tennessee...
I'll leave you with some pics from our vacation. Yeehaw!
OH...and I forgot to case you didn't know yet, I'm now a brunette. Check it out: Vacation pics...and if you are on've already seen 'em: