Sunday, September 20, 2009

Time flies...

Man, have we been busy! School started for the boys last week...and it's been downhill ever since. Jackson is enjoying his second year of preschool and Sawyer is...well...going to Mother's Day Out. Brad had to take the boys to their first day of school because I had an appointment for myself. I was so worried about Brad getting the boys fed, dressed, take pictures, and find their classrooms, but he assured me it was no big deal. Sure enough...the first day of school was a success. The second day of school...not so much. Poor Sawyer is a full-fledged mama's boy. This made for a bit of a dramatic drop off last week. He cried the moment I dropped him off and was still crying when I left the building several minutes later. Ugh. That's gotta stop or I'll have to go to therapy!

More big news...Jackson is five! How did my first born get to be five?? I still remember the day that he was born just like it was yesterday. I wish they could be small forever. Anyway, Jackson had a blast celebrating his birthday. We celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa (and crew) a few days before the big day...and celebrated with Mimi and Poppy (and crew) the day before his birthday. It was quite the extended event.And no birthday is complete without a pinata, right?

Of all the candy that was in the pinata, Sawyer got one orange sucker. Period. Why? Because his favorite color is orange. He was so proud!
Jackson did a little better.
We ended the day with a homemade "Cars" birthday cake...courtesy of yours truly.
And of course...a birthday wish! (I make the kids say them out loud...a new little tradition.) Jackson's wish??
"I wish I could be the highest jumper, so I could reach the clouds!"
Happy birthday, buddy!

1 comment:

  1. We always love the posts. I like the boys first day of school photo, complete with lunch boxes. Keep them that age. We also enjoyed the B'Day photos and enjoyed being part of that. Thanks.

    S & V
