Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Picture Game.

I've decided that once a week I am going to post a favorite photo.  I'm not about to call myself a "photographer"...for that would be quite an honor.  Truth be told, I am just a girl with a DSLR camera and photoshop.  And to be quite honest, I am far from mastering either one!  So....all perfect shots aside....I am just going to share pictures.  Weekly.  No description.  Just something to capture what is going on in our lives. 

I hope that you will play along with me!  Post a link to one of your favorite photos in the comments section.  You don't have to do it weekly...just share a favorite photo. 

So here is photo #1...enjoy!

(And thanks to Rita at the CoffeeShop blog for the inspiration!)


  1. Okay, I'll play ... here is one of my fave shots I've taken ... this is actually my friend's little girl ... isn't she cute?! :)


  2. Gorgeous shot, Bethany! Thanks for sharing!
