Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Recent Quotes from Crazytown

No major news (thank goodness) so thought I'd just post a few funny remarks heard around our house lately.

-- We were driving to school the other morning and Jackson was in the back seat telling jokes. Sawyer started repeating Jackson....and Jackson said, "No. Stop, Sawyer. I'm a one man show."

-- The boys have had colds lately and Jackson had said a couple of times that his ear felt funny. So, I took him to the doctor to have it checked out. We were waiting in the exam room and when the doctor came in she asked how we were doing. Jackson said, "My ear is sick!"

-- I put a bandanna on Chopper today and Jackson asked, "Mommy, why is Chopper wearing a cape??"

-- Sawyer was playing with Griszy the other day and I heard Griz hiss from the other room. I ran in the room to see what had happened (and what Sawyer was doing to the poor cat). Griszy was apparently freaked by whatever Sawyer had done. Sawyer, of course, was giggling. He said, "Mommy! Geezy say HHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEHHHHHHHHH!"

-- A couple of nights ago I was putting Sawyer down for bed. I was telling him some of the people that I love. I said, "I love Sawyer, Jackson, Daddy, Mimi, Poppy, Grandma, Grandpa....Who do you love, Sawyer?" Sawyer said, "I love Mommy, Daddy, Jackson...juice, tacos, and mamakes!" (pancakes)

-- Last weekend we were having Subway sandwiches for lunch. Jackson was eating and being very quiet (which is unusual). Brad asked him how he was doing. He said, "I sure am enjoying my five dollar foot long!"

That's all for now!

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